
Upgraded | Transition

I will try to stifle my squeals from this post, but you guys! I'm so excited. My blog has been upgraded by the wonderfully talented and super patient Stephanie G. Designs. I mean, REALLY upgraded---not just my usual switching up a homemade header every 6 months. Big time upgrade. I have a favicon, a rotating photo banner, a tag line, and a ton of other new and fun features. I'd love for you to come out from Google Reader or your phone and check out the new life Stephanie breathed into my old blog. Another transition, if you will.

I found Stephanie through Laura, and when I saw how gorge Laura's redesign was I knew I should finally take the plunge and do one myself. In case you haven't noticed, I kind of wavered for a few months about whether or not to continue blogging. It was just feeling like one more thing on my plate and I wasn't motivated to spill my guts to the internet anymore. But then I started blogging more just to test the waters, and whaddya know? I still really thoroughly enjoy my little space on the interwebs. The bottom line for me has always been that I want to document this time in my life for future reference. Lord knows I would forget all of the details of raising small kids without permanently capturing them on this blog. And what better way to connect to other women, a lot of whom are going through many of the same challenges and triumphs as me? Blogging gives me a strong sense of camaraderie in this sometimes scary, lonely, and frustrating gig of motherhood. If nothing else but to hear, 'I've been through *that* before and I survived, as did my child'---even just that sense of support is priceless to me. Not to mention that this blog has earned me nearly every one of my real-life friends in Milwaukee and many others that I feel I 'know' and cherish although we've never met. This may make me a creepy internet girl but I'm okay with that, and Nate's becoming used to it, too.

The effort that it takes to pound out a blog post is definitely worth every minute I spend at the computer. And so, I'm back and feel like making my blog pretty and modern and moving it past the same old template I've had for five years is a fun way to say, 'I still like you, blog.' I hope it appreciates the effort.

So Stephanie was awesome. She listened to all of my very specific requests and ramblings and came up with a fresh design that I adore. You can see we sort of have an arrow theme going on, which makes my inner nerd happy to see it as a symbol as moving forward, or transitioning. I chose my tag line of 'even if I stumble, I'm still moving forward' because I simply googled 'quotes about change' and found that one. Love it. Nate helped me decide on it;) Because I certainly can't claim to be perfect and I have my fair share of stumbles on this path of motherhood, but life must go on. Might as well blog about it in the process.

I had to narrow down my original THIRTY pictures I wanted to include in my rotating banner to just 19 and I'm glad I did---pretty sure you wouldn't want to sit through a 30 minute slideshow at the top of my blog. The four sets of photos we have up there an awesome slice of our life and some of my faves, of course (about 80% taken by the fab Andrea, of course!)

Then you will see a brand new navigation bar with a few new tabs, including a 'bloggy friends' page with links to blogs I like to read. I went back and forth over this one because I don't want to make this blog feel like high school, like 'these are my friends and if you aren't on the list, I don't think you are cool.' Totally not like that. I just listed the blogs listed in my Google Reader that I try to give comment love. Every time I get comments on this blog from readers I make a mental note that I need to check out those commenters blogs and add them to GR to return the love. I'll admit that I don't always follow through with that thought. But I'm getting there!

You'll see my brand new profile, where I picked an image of me from my wedding day. Because, duh--it's the prettiest I've ever looked and I'm completely obsessed with my makeup that day. Bloggers can be kind of vain, right? ;) I could have chosen a 6 am iPhone self-portrait complete with bags under my red-rimmed eyes and a screaming child at my breast, but I went with the wedding shot instead. Can you blame me? I have a 'grab my button' tab now and then a whole bunch of cute buttons that link to some of my favorite topics within this blog. So yeah, come and take a peek if you will.

Because I'm feeling all happy and mushy and high on the internet today, I wanted to do something fun for my readers. I have my loyal commenters, the brave commenters who 'de-lurk' once when the topic suits them, and then a crazy amount of silent readers who don't comment but apparently read my ramblings, following along with my transitions. I seriously appreciate all of you and like I said before, hearing from you is what keeps me writing. I much prefer this blog to be a two sided street, with give and take. I think I'd get pretty bored with myself without the feedback I get in comments.

So I'd like to give a $15 Starbucks gift card to one of my readers. And I totally stole this idea from Laura, too, and already told her upfront that I'm copying everything she does. She has a restraining order on me, NBD. But I love me some Starbucks and figure most people are with me on that, especially this time of year with their deliciously comforting red cups. All you have to do is comment on this post and let me know a little about you and how long you've been reading this blog. If you are really struggling to write about yourself you could even tell me what you get at Starbucks because I think that in itself says a lot about a person. For instance, I usually get a grande half-caff Americano or sometimes just a black coffee. No cream. No sugar. Hard core. Lately I find myself reading the menu of the 'foofy' drinks and wanting to try some of them, but alas--nothing compares to the bite of a smooth Americano, my friends. Much love to a Salted Carmel Mocha when I'm feeling really wild and really rich;)

So leave me a comment by Thanksgiving Day, and I will use one of those random number generator thingies to pick a commenter, revealing the winner sometime on Black Friday. Ah, Thanksgiving week. Why are you so awesome?

Thanks again, awesome readers of mine. And happy face lift, dear blog.

{ETA: Is it a total pain to comment on my blog? Does it tell you that the comments aren't going through? I end up getting a lot of duplicate comments to moderate lately and wonder if it's messing up on my end. I removed the 'captcha' but you will still not see your comment immediately, it makes me approve it first before it's published. Let me know if things are wonky in comment land! Still just figuring the mysterious internet out after five years, I guess

Also--I'd love to respond to each and every one of these comments but if I don't pack for this trip to MO I will be kicking myself later when I forget everything that I wanted to bring. I'm just making mental responses in my head, hope you can read my mind. Love hearing from you guys!}


  1. Love the new blog look!

    I've been reading/lurking since Truman. I would just click on blogs from other blogs and found yours. I didn't have a blog at the time so I just read. I started mine about a year ago I think. Just to document the things I cannot remember and my mom is my most dedicated reader:)

    We have 2 crazy kids and another on the way and coffee helps me out in the morning so I'd love to win a gift card! I am guilty of the fancy drinks. Love the white chocolate mocha and peppermint mocha.

  2. Hi Julia! Love the new look! Seriously, looks great. I've been reading since you were pregnant with Truman and I've loved following your lives. I'm a working mom with a one year old boy and I can relate to a lot of your stories :)

  3. Girl! This is gorgeous! And you are sneaky- had no idea this was in the works!! I love the arrows. Great job!!!!

  4. wow it look amazing Julia! i think you know i founds you thru the wedding board, and i live reading your blog for many reasons. one is that we both have boots about the same age and into the same things (Thomas) and we both have girls about the same age as well. i think you're hilarious and an all around awesome person! my fav is the pumpkin spice latte but at $5 a pop its a rare treat for me.

  5. Hi Julia! I love the new blog look. It's amazing! I've been reading since about 2008, I think. I was planning my own wedding and found your blog through another wedding blog maybe? I can't remember. My hubby and I are in the Midwest and haven't taken the kid plunge yet, but I enjoy reading about your transitions. :)

  6. Hey!! Fellow PT and mom of two just trying to figure it all out :) I think I have been reading since right after Truman was born. Have no recollection of how I came across it, but I am glas that I did :)

  7. Hi there! I am a single grad student in NC, and I've been reading your blog since 2009ish. I think I originally found your blog when I was looking for a way to display my first half marathon medal, and google sent me your way with your display boxed medals. And I've been hooked ever since - love watching your growing family!

  8. Hi Julia, I've been religiously reading your blog since before you were pregnant with Truman! I have absolutely loved following you and your family, and it's even more fun now because I have a baby boy who is a week younger than Cecelia (it's so nice to come here and to see that a lot of what I'm dealing with happens with other babies, too!).

    I adore Starbucks, too, but hate the prices -- for my birthday this year, I told my mom that all I wanted was a Starbucks gift card . . . it's such a yummy indulgence! (I think she thought I was crazy).

    Keep up with your regular blogging! It's wonderful!

  9. Hello! I'm not sure how I found your blog a year ago or so but I'm happy I did. We were both pregnant and I found you to be very relateable. My son is two months older than Cecelia. Love your blog!

  10. Hi Julia - thanks for pushing us lurkers to comment more, I always know I should as your blog amuses and inspires me on a regular basis. I think I originally found you in 2010/2011 from someone else's "bloggy friends" so the circle of awesome women on the Internet continues to grow! And we do enjoy all of your pictures :)

  11. Hey Julia! LOVE the new blog look! I'm not sure if I've ever commented before, but yours is one of my favorite blogs to read. :) And I'm trying to remember whose blog I was reading when I found you by hopping over. Really enjoy your writing style and all your pictures!

  12. Hi Julia! I've been reading way back since we both got married the same weekend at Randalls! I usually ask you questions on facebook because I don't typically leave google reader. I do really like the new blog look though!

    When I go to any coffee shop these days, I typically get a Chai tea or a Chai Latte with Skim.

  13. New design looks awesome. I'm a most time lurker but sometime commenter as my boys are the same ages as your babies and we share a lot of the transitions. My Spencer is 2.5 (born in May) and Peter is 6 months (born also in May). I'm a full time worker/pumper/breastfeeder, so those posts ALWAYS hit home with me. Pumping is the, the, the most annoying thing but I refuse to give up breastfeeding, so pumping is a necessity. We aren't potty trained yet (ugggg) but Santa is coming to take away the diapers and leaving a present in exchange. My husband and I have a few days off over Christmas, so it makes the most sense to potty train then.

    Fave starbucks? Love the Chai Tea Latte, love the salted caramel mocha, love the salted hot chocolate. Really, it's all about the fluff since I am not a coffee drinker in general. Only when dealing with the middle of the night wakings and the sheer exhaustion of the terrible 2 and a halfs (though really he is very good!!)

  14. Hi Julia-
    I love the new look...and this idea to get to know your readers. I may need to steal it.

    I found your blog years ago, before Truman through something to do with your house. Maybe a link on the knot/nest? We actually went to the same university and while we did not know each other and probably would not recognize me, you looked familiar to me when I first clicked over. What a small world. But I promise I am not stalking was random:).

    I am now mom to a 16 month old toddler and I love reading about your kids. And their nurseries. I believe when I was pregnant, some of your baby gear posts were the ones I went back to.

    So I just wanted to de-lurk and introduce myself. I love your writing and your photos...and your blog a pleasure to read.

  15. Love the look! It looks great.

    I've been following your blog since before you were pregnant with Truman. I'm a new mom myself and I've loved reading your stories about your pregnancies and your kid's milestones.

  16. Love the new look!! The little banners are adorable and I have loved them ever since Truman's nursery reveal! I've been a reader since your pregnancy posts with Truman. I am trying for baby #1 and found your blog a huge source of comfort and hope when I miscarried a few months ago. I am so sorry for your loss and it sucks being in this "club", but nice to know there are others who understand. I really admire you for blogging about your life and I'm sure it will be amazing to look back on these posts someday!

  17. Your blog looks amazing!!! So very stylish, and so very you! I've been working on a new header, and really need a total overhaul- may just look into your design person!

    Hmm, I started reading right around the time I started blogging- March 2011, and stalked my way through all of your Truman pregnancy posts. I believe you were the first person I told about my pregnancy with E (after the hubs), since we had been exchanging emails about our miscarriages. Since then, you're my go to for questions about cloth, and I'm holding out hope that some day we can meet in person when we both happen to visit our parents at the same time:)

  18. I have been reading/lurking since before Truman. I love your blog, because we are close in age, have similar interests, and your kids are adorable!

    I am a starbucks addict and always get a venti unsweetened black iced tea, irrespective of the weather.

  19. Hi! The new look is awesome! I've been reading since 2008, right after I got married. I found you through The Knot and I was wishing I had found all of your wedding posts when I was still planning mine! My son was born in March, a year after Truman, and I loved going back through your pregnancy posts during mine, comparing progress, etc. His monthly updates have been a resource for me too, especially with all things breastfeeding, pumping, etc. Anyway, all this is to say that I love love LOVE reading your posts, and I'm so glad to hear that you're going to keep on blogging. :-)

  20. The blog is beautiful!

    I've been creeping on your blog for a while now -- not exactly sure what brought me here initially, but I stick around as you seem to be a great read on the "balance" (if there is one) of family, work, and self. Not to be a weirdo or anything...

    My go-to at Sbux is Iced Skinny Caramel Macchiato, but I'm also partial to the peppermint mocha, pumpkin latte, and all things frappuccino.

  21. Oh this is beautiful! I love every bit of it.

    I found you through Erin at It's All Happening (we recently had lunch and she told me she might MEET you!) and I think I've been reading you for AT LEAST 3 years. Truman and my boy are just two or so months apart - and now I'm having a baby girl in April! - so I feel I can relate to you lots. :)

    I love my coffee. I usually go boring with a latte, but I love Starbuck's Chai (they use Tazo) and while pregnant, I've been leaning more sweet and going for the mochas (sometimes decaf, sometimes not).

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  22. Love it! Super cute.

    Thanks for sticking with it. I love following along with your familiy :)

    I'm a mint hot chocolate kinda girl.

  23. Delurking to say the blog looks great! I am not a coffee drinker so not really in it for the gift card (though I can always buy a slice of pumpkin bread and a hot chocolate, so no hard feelings if I do win) but just wanted to say hi. I have a private blog for family and I know how strange it can be to put it out there and hear nothing back. So, keep up the great work!

  24. Looks good!!! Very "Julia". I like it :)

    Exempt me from the 'Bucks drawing. I want a brave de-lurking soul to get in on that!

  25. I predict a record number of comments on this post, cause who doesn't love Starbucks? Good motivation, lady. :)

    I feel like I've known you forever and I've read your blog since it began. I think we "met" in late 2005 on theknot. How crazy is that...SEVEN years ago. Jeez!!

    And I have three go to orders at sbux: soy chai tea, decaf peppermint mocha, or a decaf salted caramel mocha. I'm definitely not hardcore enough for an Americano. Yuck. :)

  26. It's amazing, Julia! I love it so much - great job!

    I love reading all these comments, too. You really do have such an awesome blog - funny and real and super informative, complete with lots of pics of two of the cutest kids on the planet - so I'm really glad you're getting back into it more!

    I will forever be grateful to the blogging world for allowing us to meet each other and form such a strong friendship! :)

  27. Julia got a makeover and you're looking good! I love love the new blog makeover! It's fabulous and I am all about "breathing life into something." Awesome job!

  28. My name is Kelly and I think I started reading your blog in 2010? I read a mutual friend's blog about her family's adventures on Guam and I stumbled across yours in her list (I went to grade school and high school with her in Kansas City). After a few random "stop ins" from her page, I was totally hooked on yours and I've never looked back!

    I find the whole blog world pretty fascinating. I tried starting one of my own when my husband and I spent 18 months living in Maryland...but I never made the time to update it very often and it sort of fizzled out.

    I've never commented before...I don't know why. Anyway, I think you and your blog are awesome. I especially appreciated and was touched by your miscarriage posts. Although ours was a different situation (ectopic), we endured the loss of our first pregnancy last Fall. I think in one of your posts you described the loss of a pregnancy as very lonely. That really resonated with me. I am happy to report that we are pregnant again...34 weeks now...and LOVING EVERY SECOND. So that being said, I have also loved all of your pregnancy posts!

    So I decided to finally go ahead and comment today...and it's not just because of the Starbucks giftcard offer...I just thought this was be a good opportunity to "come out" and say hello. And thank you, for your candidness.

    New look is awesome, BTW!


  29. Oh! And I forgot to add: I love the new look!! The arrow theme is awesome. Glad you are investing for the long haul. I'd be sad if you stopped blogging! :)

  30. P.S. Iced Caramel Macciato but lately the classic vanilla latte is speaking to my soul.

  31. I like the new look! I've been reading along here and there since Truman was born. I have a 16 month old little boy and it's fun to look ahead to see what is next in the toddler years. Also loving the house stuff since we are looking to buy our first home next year, too. Hoping to get an old lady place to fix up.

    At sbux, if I am wanting something moderately healthy I go for skinny vanilla latte. If I don't care about health that day, I like the salted caramel mocha. Both are wins in my book!

  32. The blog looks great! I always love reading your posts and seeing the kids grow. I am a longtime lurker who occasionally pokes my head out, as you may remember. Truman is just a few months younger than my daughter, Ryann, would be, and Cecelia is just a few months older than my son, Clifton. Love the pictures, love the 'from the trenches' stories, and most recently love the tips and tricks as a pumping Mom.

  33. Your blog looks great Julia! I don't know how long I've been or reader or how I even found your blog but I love your honesty and writing style!

  34. Love the new design, so fresh! Love the blog, I have two little ones about the same age as yours. And an avid coffee, red wine drinker too :)

  35. Ok, I'll de-lurk.
    I've been reading your blog for quite a while and I've appreciated the posts on cloth diapering and pumping at work (ugh). I have a little boy and a new baby girl. And I think we live in the same city - but I promise I'm not a stalker. :)

  36. I am excited to read what everyone else gets at Starbucks. I always get the Skinny Vanilla Latte...I'm scared of change.

    Oh man, I guess I've been reading your blog since I "met" you on Stlwed. How many years has that been? 6, I guess?! Crazy! Although we have only met 1 time, I still feel like old friends that are going through a lot of the same things at the same time.

    I was talking about shutting down the ole blog the other day to Mike. All of my pictures are gone from the posts because I was lazy and never used Flickr. I just cut and pasted from Facebook and now the formatting is all messed up. There is absolutely NO WAY I am going back to fix all of it. Mike suggested starting a new blog for our home renovations and then I can add in some of my old posts that I love and are part of "us" (like wedding and birth stories). What do you think? Or should I hire Stephanie or someone similar to fix it all (if that is even possible). Oye! Happy Monday and Happy Thanksgiving!

  37. I forgot to say that I LOVE the new look and I'm seriously jealous!

  38. Found your blog when Truman was a few months old. I have two girls sandwiched between your kids (24.5 months and 6.5 months) and it's been really fun reading, first about Truman, and thinking, "Oh I can't wait til mine is doing that!" and then about Cecelia, and thinking, "Oh thank goodness we're past that phase now!"

    Also, I live in StL and my oldest's name is Julia, and that's about all in common it takes for me to read a blog!

    I love a grande half-caf sugar free (but not low-fat!) vanilla latte with a little bit of chocolate powder on top. Or just black coffee when I'm not Ms Moneybags. :)

  39. I've been following your blog since Truman was born. My son is 4 months younger than Truman and my daughter is 3 months younger than Cece.

    I emailed you about the doppler and you gave me great advice, which helped me have piece of mind throughout my pregnancy.

    I'm glad you continued blogging because I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts. They make me laugh and sometimes cry.

  40. LOVE the new blog!! It is amazing, so you and just plain fabulous!
    Well I have been reading your blog since it started but I have known you so much longer - go Jays!
    Reading your blog is part of my morning routine everyday at work. I love sitting at my desk, enjoying my coffee (STARBUCKS - Cafe Mocha, skim, no whip) and reading about the latest news about T-Man and CeCe.
    I am so glad you are going to continue blogging because I do not know what I would do without your blog!

  41. Looks Amazing.
    I have been reading your blog since late 2009 - when I searched pregnant blogs, and found your belly photos. I didn't read it for a month or two until I was put on bedrest at 35 weeks with PreEclampsia. Low and behold you had it too...John was born 3 days after Truman. I have only commented a couple of times before. I am now a mom of two...on the same schedule as you apparently - Will was born in May. Do you plan on having more? I don't blog myself and live in Ontario, Canada. I am so blessed to live here and enjoy a year long mat leave.

  42. Hi Julia! I believe I fall into the occasional de-lurker category :) I've been following your blog since early 2010, right before Truman was born. I had just gotten pregnant and was scouring the interwebs for mommy bloggers (prior to that I was into running bloggers and had my own running blog for a short time). I also follow you in IG. My name is vpvd7c on there (that's my old identifier number from when I was a student at Mizzou over 10 years ago...and it's stuck as one of my go-to's).

    I've watched Truman grow and now CeCe. I can relate a lot to your blog, as a fellow working mom who nursed for 13.5 months. We've been trying for a second now for over a year, so that's been a struggle. I also had a miscarriage earlier this year which was devastating, especially since we have such a hard time trying to conceive. But, trying to move forward and stay positive and trust in the power of prayer.

    Glad you didn't give up blogging! You, Andrea and Kristal are my favorite mommy bloggers :)

    As far as Starbucks is concerned, I've been indulging WAY too much lately. I get the same thing everytime, Grande Skinny Caramel Macchiato. TO DIE FOR!

  43. Love it! It is so adorable! I'm so glad that you got a redesign. I feel that it helps motivate me to blog more when I get a new design. I hope you do keep blogging more now!

  44. I've been lurking for over a year. I've often thought about commenting on your posts, but usually am trying to read quickly in between meetings at work!
    I have three kids, the oldest turned 4 last month. I was also married in 2007 to a man named Nate. We've both lived in Wisconsin (and I have a lot of family there) but currently live in Colorado. We have two boys and a baby girl a few months older then Cecelia. She also has red hair, at least for now. Go figure, two blond boys and then a red-headed girl!
    I work in health care as well, although not doing direct patient care anymore.
    I love the new blog design! Thanks for encouraging me to introduce myself!

  45. I think I've been readying for a couple months now, and I forget how I even got here! But I love it and am sticking around :)

  46. Love the new look, especially the buttons towards the bottom that lead directly to the birth stories and other favorite things of your. I have read your blog since the beginning in the stlwed days and I have always loved your writing style and keeping up with all your changes! I also really love stalking your DIY stuff for the home and the holidays!

  47. Love, love, love it!! I think I've been reading for a couple of years now... And I think I found you through Kristal's blog? When I realized you were in Milwaukee but hailed from the STL area (if I remember right), I couldn't help but keep reading. It still amazes me that I can find people so similar to myself in the big ole world of the internet.

    I grew up east of STL about an hour and moved to Kenosha in 2002 for school. Despite swearing we'd head further south at least 3 times in the past 7 years, something keeps tying us to WI. We finally gave in to fate and started the house-building process this summer (which I just started documenting in blog form!). I think we've finally admitted to ourselves that we're here to stay... at least for now! My hubby and I married in 2006 and we have a son that was born in July 2010. My hubby commutes to Milwaukee for work and I am now lucky enough to work in town (full-time).

    Thanks for opening up your life to us. It's so nice to read of others going through similar journies. And I'm so glad you decided to stick with blogging. :)

  48. I just found your blog a while ago when we were doing some home renovations, but have definitely read through some (ok a lot) of your previous posts. My third son is just a month or so younger than your daughter. I stopped blogging for almost a year and when I got I pregnant for the third time, I forced myself to do updates on a new, private blog. I'm SO glad I did, and now I just might be brave enough and go public again. It's pretty crazy fun around here right now with 3 boys under 5. Thanks for updating and I look forward to read more and hopefully become a "regular" commenter.

  49. I'm one of those lurkers... and I'm finally coming out to comment! :) The blog design looks great, I love it!

    Also - you have one ADORABLE family! :)

  50. Lately, I'm reading from my phone, so I'm making a mental note to check out your new look once I'm actually at the computer!

    So, I totally remember you from the Nest D&R days (I think, right?) I don't remember when I started reading your blog, but I do remember your pregnancy with Truman and also him as a gnome for Halloween--I remember my mom calling me that day and saying that I HAD to check your blog my mom now reads your blog on occasion too, lol!

  51. Looks GREAT! Just followed you on Pinterest, too.

  52. I absolutley love your blog. I check it every day. I tried to blog and I really suck at it. I just never made the time. I think I love your blog because we have a lot in common. Both working mommies from the midwest, constantly fretting about raising our children. My oldest (boy) was born in Feb of 2010 and my youngest (girl) was born in late dec 2011, so our children are very close to the same ages. I too struggled with breastfeeding after returning to work, I could go on and on. We also have something else in common, I love Starbucks. I probably only "treat" myself a handful of times per year, but most of those times are during the holidays when pepperminty flavor is an option.

  53. I rarely comment on blogs since I don't have my own - I just read a ton of them! I've been reading for an embarrassingly long time (pre-Truman for sure). Can't remember how I found you but I LOVE your blog. I have an 11 month old boy and I like to see what we're in for in the future. I love the way you decorate and you also make me feel like I have no excuse for not going to the gym. If you can do it with 2 kids, I should be able to handle it with one! Also love how you keep it real. Keep on keepin' on sister!

  54. Hey Julia! Love the fancy new layout. Yours was one of the first blogs I read on a regular basis starting about four years ago? You inspired me to CD and I am a bona fide bum genius 4.0 lover now. I admire how honest (and hilarious) you are and have been enjoyinging the increase in posts the last few months - don't know how you do it all! Thanks for the giveaway, I don't frequent Starbucks often but I do love me some designer coffee (caribou coffee has my heart, I think they might have it in Milwaukee? They are everywhere in mn.)

  55. love the new blog design :) I have been reading your blog for a few months now. My sister actually found it because of your miscarriage posts. I had an unrecognized miscarriage at 12 weeks in July with our first and she had a miscarriage the month before with her second. So we are all part of the dreadful club but we related to your posts so much. The words that I could never find to describe the feelings were found here! Thank you for being open about really helped & I thought it would be nice for you to know that:)

    I continued to read your blog because im blogging vicariously through you. Essentially I doubt I will ever document my life this way but my inner organized self wishes I would...especially when we have kids...

    Starbucks drink--iced coffee (no cream or sugar) but with whipped cream on top! Otherwise, the guilty pleasure of a seasonal drink:)

  56. Amy here. I've been reading you're blog since you were pregnant with T. I'm a pretty crunchy stay at home mama to a sweet 2 year old named Connor. And my fave Starbuck's drink is a grande decaf pumpkin spice latte. Yum!

  57. I love the new design! I have been lucking/reading for about a year and I think this is my first time posting maybe. I am a working mom to a 21 month old daughter and I am currently going through a blog re-design as well. (Just waiting for my graphic designer husband to finish the banner!)

  58. I am have reading since April 2010 when I Goodled "grunting baby" to find answers for helping with my newborn. I sent you a email and you promptly responded - so much needed at the time. I enjoy all your post and am happy you have continued. I don't know where you find the time!

  59. I have been reading your blog for a few years now and think you have such a great family. I rarely comment so I’m more of a silent reader but your blog is one of my favorites to read. I love your writing style and really love learning so much from your blog. Im 25 years old and have been married for 2 years. We have gone through some hard times with my husband going back to school so I can relate to you. We would like to start trying for a baby hopefully this spring and I LOVE having your baby related posts to read and go through. Its really strange how into babies, birth, breastfeeding and cloth diapering I am considering I don’t have a baby yet. I also love your house. I am crazy over your kitchen. It is seriously my dream kitchen! I really think we would be real life friends and I also think Nate is a hottie. Hehe.

    Love the new blog look. Im very happy that you will be around for a long time.

  60. P.S. Exempt me from the Starbucks thing, too, just in case my number comes up. Figure you'd re-do it if one of us came up anyway! But um, peppermint mocha all the way - YUM!

    Also just saw that the little arrow icon shows up in the browser by your URL, too - so cool! Very fancy.

    Also just added a photo to my Blogger profile so I want to see if it shows up.

    Done commenting now! And eagerly awaiting the other posts you've been working on. ;)

  61. I love the arrows! I found your blog before you were pregnant with Truman after a friend recommended it to me for a healthy approach to working out. I love your writing (and photos!) and have so enjoyed watching your family grow. Thanks for sharing so much!

  62. Hi Julia! Love the new look, but I loved the old one(s) too. I'm de-lurking to let you know I've been a faithful reader since before your pregnancy with Truman. I'm a lawyer turned stay-at-home-mommy with a three month old son in Denver.

    Your pregnancy and mom posts are awesome for newbies like me! Oh, and I drink soy chais, soy caramel macchiatos and over the holidays, pumpkin spice lattes. :)

  63. It's me! The rug stealing, instragram creeping loyal blog reader. Thanks again for your input on the chevron rug...I'm anxiously awaiting its delivery!

  64. I totally got distracted by the fact that you have pintereest and instragram and almost forgot to come back and comment! Love the new blog look.

    I've been reading since you were pregnant with Truman. I think I found your blog through Kristal's blog and I have no idea how I found hers!

    I love Starbucks and I usually get a foofy drink. This time of year I could go for many of the holiday drinks but the salted caramel mocha is near the top of my list.

  65. oh my gosh--love the update! your photo is beautiful and i love the arrow background!

    I've been reading since before the days of Truman and I love all the weird (creepy?) connections between us. I've mentioned this before, but I grew up in Tosa (I think maybe on your exact same street!), now live in STL (lil sis goes to SLU), husband WAS in PT school (decided it wasn't for him), my other sister is named Julia (and her husband is Nate!), my husband and I went to I said, lots of weird stuff. Beyond that though, I just love reading about your little family! :)

  66. Everything looks amazing! Maybe my bloggity could use a little love, hmmm. I am more than a little honored to be on your friend list :)

    You are beyond fab and I have loved watching the kids grow.

    Cheers to many more happy years of blogging bliss my friend! <3

  67. Hi Julia! You and I have "known" each other since our Knot days when we realized we both studied abroad in Spain and had a thing for mantilla veils. And now we're both mommies and miscarriage survivors. So of course I have you on my Google Reader and love reading about you, Truman and Cece. I would love the Starbucks gift certificate, even if it means I won't be able to use it until my next trip home to the States. Love from Sevilla and congrats on the new blog facelift, it looks great! xo

  68. I have been reading your blog since you were pregnant with Truman. I found your blog through a friend. I love the new look! And, I also love Starbucks! My favorite drink from there is a Pumpkin Spice Frappacino with no whipped cream. I also love their cake pops!

  69. Your new look is great! I can't remember if I've ever posted before, but I found your blog right before you gave birth to Truman, when I was pregnant with my #2, and have continued to read it ever since. My #3 is just a month younger than Cece!

  70. So I've never commented before, but I found you through Laura's A Day in the Life linkup. I'm a home care PT too! And I work 3 days a week and pump in the car sometimes while driving too! But I still have to do paper documentation. Boo. I also have a toddler obsessed with choochoos and a baby too! We have a house we're redoing, but haven't gotten as much done as you have so far. Too bad I don't have a blog though. I'd love a Starbucks gift card.

  71. Love the new look, Julia! I have been a faithful follower since your early blogging days and have enjoyed reading your journey through motherhood. Our boys are born a week apart and our 2nd children are a couple months apart. We have emailed back and forth a few times (I'm Amy from the MN) and you created my beautiful wedding photo book that my sister organized with you!

    I have become a Starbucks junkie since having my 2nd husband likes to call me a 'coffee snob' but funny thing is he's right there with me sipping away with his red cup, too! I love a grande PSL as well as the carmel brulee latte...

  72. Love the new layout!!

    I've been reading since 2008, when I found you through another blog (can't remember which one, but it was mostly about running). Then you were pregnant with Truman, and my husband and I were planning to start trying soon, so I kept reading, and I've been here ever since! Now I have an almost 20 month old boy and will be trying for #2 sometime in the next year(remember me? I commented awhile back asking about about trains? and told you that my son is Truman's twin, just 1 year behind?).

    Oh, and you should probably know you are a BIG reason why we use cloth diapers! I didn't know they existed in the fancy form that they do, until you blogged about it the first time (with all the info on pre-folds). We started with BG 4.0s and never looked back. LOVE them!!

  73. I haven't intentionally been lurking since Truman was born, but I can't recall commenting on more than one post since that time. Thanks for the prompt to de-lurk. :)I began following before right around the time Turman was born when we initially began trying to plan for when we would start trying for our first. I too run (2 marathons under my belt!) and loved hearing about you balanced pregnancy with fitness. We began trying for our first this year and I bookmarked links on your blog for cloth diapering, pumping, decor, etc. After suffering a miscarriage (I too hemorrhaged, ended up in the ER, had to get a blood transfusion and a delayed D&C) it was really helpful to read your story during that difficult time. When you're going through that process it's encouraging to know you're not alone and to read about the process (both physically and emotionally) others have gone through too (always encouraging when they end with a babe as cute as Cecelia). We're finally in the clear to start trying again so fingers crossed that I have to look back on those bookmarked links for a baby soon :)

  74. Hi Julia! I've been reading since before you were preggo with Truman. I think I remember one of the first posts I read which was all the adorable photos you had taken of you, Nate, and Henry for a Christmas card I believe? Anyways, I used to have a blog (but sadly don't anymore). I related to you because our lives feel sort of parallel! We have a 4 year old and 1 year old and I could relate to so many of your posts. We are also from the Midwest (about 3 hours away from you) so I also related to you in that sense. Love your blog and love you guys!

  75. Ok, you got me :)

    I've been lurking since pre-Truman, back when Henry got the spotlight! It's been fun to follow your story and read your ramblings. I'm a few years younger than you and living in Oregon with my fiance and our 4-legged child. I LOVE the new look of the blog!

  76. Julia, I LOVE the new design. Seriously, it looks great!!
    I too love starbucks, but am not so much of a coffee drink. White hot chocolate is my friend.

    Love your blog and reading about your awesome and beautiful family!!

  77. Wow! Your blog looks amazing!!!

  78. Love the new design! I have been following you since you were pregnant with Truman. My google reader is in alphabetical order and I would always scroll to the M's first to see if you had a new post, haha. When I went through a miscarriage, I felt a lot of comfort through your blog and now we have a son who will be 5 months at the end of November.

    Funny story- I work in a hospital and occasionally they have posters up for Nurses week, etc. and I passed one on MRI and imaging use in pregnancy,etc. I looked at the picture and thought- where do I know that person from?? Turns out I don't really "know" them, but it was a picture of you in the first trimester they had used on the poster! They have it up again this year. Just thought you should know you are on a poster in a hospital in TX, haha-- don't know if that's against copyright or something!

    1. This is crazy!! I'd love for you to email me a picture of that poster! Don't care about copyright stuff, just interested. And I'm so sorry on hear about your miscarriage but am glad to hear about your 5 month old baby boy. Enjoy!

  79. Hi Julia! Love the new look!!! I have been reading your blog since before you had Truman and Cecelia when it was just you, Nate, and Henry! I am not quite sure how I came about your blog but your love of Henry had me addicted!!! I am a huge animal lover and I also have one kid, Buster a 9 year old Shih Tzu;) For a special Starbucks treat I get the Salted Caramel Mocha-OMG SOOOOOO YUMMY!!

  80. I started following right around the time Cecelia was born, so I'm a newbie to your corner of the interwebs. My kiddos are basically the same ages as yours, so I love seeing the differences and similarities (including the lack of sleep -- so nice to know I'm not alone!).

    I rarely peek outside of my GR, so good call on mentioning the new blog design. Very nice. I love finding new blogs; some of your faves are already in my GR, but many are not. I'll have to check them out!

    My SB go-to is a skinny half-caf misto or latte, but truth be told I only buy Starbucks out of laziness. I try to make coffee at home and I much prefer Peet's, which is a SF Bay Area place (where I'm from).

  81. Hi Julia--

    I am lurking and I don't believe I EVER comment. I comment today not so much for the Starbucks card, though that sounds tasty, but more because something spoke to me when you talk about a blog being a "two way street". Also, I can imagine it might seem a tad creepy at time when you see your stats and know that you have regular phantom readers out there. Anyway, you have a beautiful family.

    -Another Julia

  82. Love the new look! I've been following along for a loooong time. I don't always have time to comment (or anything witty to say for that matter), but I read all of your posts!

    I've been thinking about discontinuing my blog lately because it seems the only things I post anymore are race reports for my own records. Maybe I should try your "blog more to test the waters" method.

    Oh, and Starbucks. I usually get a dark roast with soy milk, and then when it adds up to enough for a free drink on my Sbux gold card, I upgrade to a grande or venti 3 pump tripple soy no whip mocha. I'm cheap like that and save the good stuff for when it's free :-)

  83. Hi Julia! I think I've been reading since you used to post about your wedding; I love reading your insight on this journey that you (and lots of us) are on! Reading blogs is my ME time and I love seeing your blog lit up with a new entry on my GR! Thank you :)

  84. My sister sent me the link to your blog, more specifically, your daughter's birth story, the day i was in labor with my first child. I enjoyed reading your story while I was timing contractions at home, patiently awaiting our daughter's arrival. Since then, I've been checking your blog regularly and enjoying your stories. I am not a blogger, or a commenter, but really enjoy reading and relating to your life in transition. I normally check out the blog on my phone, but journeyed to the full site to see the updates. It looks wonderful - there is a lot more to explore here than on my phone :)

  85. Hi Julia!
    I'm from Canada. I have been reading your blog since around the time you lost Wren. I had a similar experience in Oct/Nov of last year and your posts were a blessing to read and relate to the pain and healing that comes with a loss. Like you I also gave birth this year but to my 1st child. I had a baby boy named Jakub Eliot in September. I am following along on your journey and appreciate your posts on real life experiences which are helping me learn all about being a mommy. I am actually going to start a blog as well called Portrait of a Mama to capture my experiences for my kids as I think, instead of a baby book, a blog is more in tune with what our children will want to read.

    Your blog remodel looks fantastic!
    Enjoy your vacation and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  86. Hi Julia!! I've been following since you were preggos with Truman :) I delivered a baby boy about six months after you had Truman, and found your posts really helpful. I also (and still do!) CD my son, and I can't tell you how helpful you were in that journey.

    I am totally in love with Starbucks (so in love that my personal e-mail has Starbucks in the name), and am a fan of the Caramel Macchiato.

    Happy Thanksgiving :)

  87. Love, love, love the remodel! I began reading with your pregnancy with Truman. Then I saw you once at Neroli when I was getting my hair did and just about died when I recognized you. I should have said hello:)

  88. This is great! I adore how it turned out!!

    It really does give you a new motivation towards blogging, doesn't it?

    Now, as to how I found you....I think it was when Erin from It's All Happening linked to your gender reveal video and I thought it was just great. Been a reader ever since!

    PS - Caramel Macchiato girl, for sure.

  89. Hi Julia! The blog looks great! I still need to explore some more.

    I have been following since the stlwed days and am so glad you have not given it up!

    Starbucks = tall mocha!!!

  90. Love the arrows, super stylish!
    I've been lurking around since I think right after Truman was born. I was just pregnant with my first and obsessed with reading birth stories. I think that's how I found you. I read back through your pregnancy and beyond. I've really enjoyed reading your journey with kiddos and will be looking to you on how to do things with two little ones.
    I don't drink coffee but I will drink a fancy beverage, usually some sort of decaf salted caramel mocha, or a peppermint hot chocolate. Ridiculous!!

  91. I love it! It's you - plus you did look totally fab on your wedding day! :)

    Exempt me from the 'bucks too - i just wanted to tell you that I like the blog and I never see you anymore. Dangers of a 11 month old that naps during church time. haha ALTHOUGH, we do ever catch up again, we should definitely walk over for a post church SCM. I'm addicted to them now.

  92. I love the new look! I can't even remember how I found your blog, probably some obscure blog hopping...but I've been reading for about a year and a half. My husband and I are ttc and miscarried in September. Going back and rereading your posts about your own miscarriage were so helpful. Sometimes it just helps to know what someone else's experience was like and to know that it's not just you. I love reading about your family and the posts about your new home were exciting too because we recently purchased a new home as well!

    I like the Green Tea Frappes at Starbucks, mostly because I don't like the taste of coffee.(the horror! I know!)

  93. Julia,

    I started following you from a link on Kelly Coffey's blog and loved all the photography and decorating posts. Also as a fellow Milwaukee girl and neighbor I liked hearing about good places to eat and drink (Juniper 61). I have since had a daughter and love all your helpful mama tips and tricks. (Cloth diapering was a big one!). I have also followed a few of your blog friends and think its amazing how friendships are able to form over the Internet.

    I love the new blog design and I almost always get a chai tea at Starbucks, it's delicious with the pumpkin added to it in the fall. Also the salted caramel cake pops get me every time!

    Have a happy thanksgiving and safe trip! Kelly

  94. Love the new look! I've been following your blog for nearly 2 years now (I found you via another blog). I am a full time working mom to an amazingly awesome 1 year old little girl. I too breastfed & pumped while @ work. I often referenced your posts related to those topics. Like you, I am a runner and have a love for coffee & wine!
    My go to @ Starbucks is Grande Pike w/ a little cream & 2 packets of sugar in the raw. As a treat, I love Pumpkin Spice Latte.

  95. Love the new look - it totally suits you!

    I've been reading your blog forever...years...probably since the beginning! So I'm glad you've decided to stick with it!

    And I'm a S'bux iced green tea gal, trenta, no classic. Total addict. :)

    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!

  96. Hi Julia! I have been a reader for about 3 years now. Your blog has always been one of my favorites-I love how honest and real you are! And I'm glad that other people in this world take as many photos as I do on a daily basis! :) My husband and I don't have kiddos yet but I feel like I have learned so much from you and will be able to come back for reference later on baby products, breast feeding, and other mom tips! I now follow you on Instagram and have to resist "liking" every picture you post! Love the new blog look!

  97. Hello Julia!

    I've been reading your blog for about 3 months now. I found it through Laura's!

    I love reading your blog because I have a daughter who is a month younger than yours. I am a FTM so seeing what you do with your daughter not only helps me but keeps me motivated :)

  98. Love the new look! I think it fits your theme perfectly. I can at least say I've met you once, lol. So when I tell people I learned something from a friend I don't have to completely clarify how we can be friends and have never met. Btw, great giveaway idea. I, personally,don't drink coffee but Starbucks has somehow roped me in with their hot chocolate. Makes the baby very happy!

  99. Julia- I love your new blog! I'm kinda obsessed with the modern style of it :)

    Anyway, first and foremost I love me some Starbucks and just coffee in general! I'm Mexican and growing up in my house was like being in Mexico and well, we drink a lot of coffee! My favorite drink at Starbucks is a Cinnamon Dolce Latte or a Peppermint Mocha!

    As for your blog, I've been a follower/fan since before you had Truman...2009 I think.

    I'm a stay at home mother of two beautiful girls, Isabela and Anya. My husband and I are both Aggies and call Texas home.

    I enjoy your blog and all your pictures and I'm glad that I found your blog a couple years back :)

  100. Congratulations on the new blog! I love being able to watch the "transition." I honestly can't even remember how I stumbled across your wonderful blog, but it was right when you were pregnant with Truman. I have to admit, I love reading your blog and look forward to every post! God Bless!

  101. I love the new look! I began following you pre-Truman! I'm pretty sure I found you through another blog...possibly something to do with the albums you used to create (so talented)!! Is it weird to think that I could totally be BFFs with you (and I do mean that in the most non-stalkerish way)! Your sense of humor about motherhood is the best. It is fulfilling to see other moms in the same stages of motherhood (as I am in). I am a former Minnesota girl, mother to one fabulous three-almost- four-year-old girl named Wren, and wife to a Navy Chief.

  102. Love the new blog face lift! It looks great! And I'm so glad you've decided to continue blogging- I'd be sad if you disappeared from blog land ;-)

    I've been reading since Truman was just an infant, but I can't quite remember how I stumbled upon your blog. I do remember that it was one of the very FIRST blogs I began to habitually read, and it was the first blog in my Google Reader. I've always loved your honesty, humor, and writing style. Although I'm not a mom just yet, I am hopeful that someday (soonish), I will be, and you're such a good mom example. Since I started reading, I'd always thought, "maybe one day I will have the courage to start a blog..." It took me a while, but now I am officially a blogger and can come out of lurk-dom to officially follow you! I'd love it if you stopped by to visit my very new (and very much under construction) blog about my husband and I and our recent move to Australia from Texas for his job.

    OH- and random side note- I just realized that I'm pretty sure we had the same wedding dress?! Monique Lhuillier Miranda?! Crazy! You have great taste, obviously :-)


  103. Your blog looks great! I've been thinking mine needs an update too. I've been reading since you were pregnant with Truman, I think? I'm pretty sure Katelyn introduced me to it, or maybe I found it through one of your FiveBlonde comments.

    When I was pregnant I LOVED going back and reading your pregnancy updates because they were so detailed. You're good at the details! I liked reading ahead and knowing there was light at the end of the tunnel during the first trimester!

  104. Love the new look! I've been reading your blog for a while (pre-Truman) and don't know how I stumbled upon it, but glad you are going to be sticking around. I waffle back and forth with blogging as well and am in a down slump right now. Hope to bring back the blogging in 2013!

  105. I'm in love with the "new you" :) I keep staring at the page looking at all the fun updates... love it all!

    I've been reading since pre-Truman... I *think* I found you through Kristal? Or the D&R boards? I'm not sure. Either way, I'm so glad to follow you on this journey!!

  106. Love this! So you and awesome! I really love everything about it! Good work. Oh and doing a blog layout... can be insane. I LOVE THE PHOTO HEADER that changes... Awesome!

  107. Hi Julia, I'm not sure how I stumbled upon your blog but I've been a reader since Truman was tiny, and I just love the fact that you are a Jeff City Mo girl, because so am I! I've even seen your mother around town and I always try to figure out why I "know" her, and then I remember that I don't really know her, I just recognize her from the pictures you've put on here! I'm too shy to go up and say hi to her! I love reading about your family and you are a very good writer. I don't have a family or kids yet, but I think I might have stumbled upon your blog posts about running and that's how I found you.
    As for Starbucks, I loves me some salted caramel mochas and peppermint mochas!

  108. Whoa mother, you've got 105 comments already, and probably many more will be rolling in all week... YOU ARE FAMOUS! I LOVE the new look of your blog, it is BEAUTIFUL. Sister, I think you are on your way to the blogger "Big Time" status. ;) Anyway, just, beautiful.

    I have been reading your blog since you were pregnant with Truman, and have always resonated with you, since we're so in the same place in life. Also, we're both midwesterners, and I think midwesterners are different. We "get" each other. My brother's wife is from Milwaukee (Whitefish Bay), and her whole family still lives there, and with how small and freaky the internet world is sometimes I wonder if any of her family knows you, or Erin, or Andrea.

    Anyway, love it all. Love the new look, and all the fancy categories. It is so brand spanking new and shiny. And I laughed out loud at your description of why you chose the profile shot you did, of course we bloggers are a little vain. Everyone is a little vain, but those of us who choose to share our lives on the internet are a special kind of vain. I changed my profile picture recently because I was so overjoyed with how skinny my legs and butt looked in a photo my friend took. ;) Ha! That is the ULTIMATE in vain.

  109. I love watching the new slideshow at the top of the page. It sure got me thinking about what pictures I would put up - I don't think I could narrow it down like you did! :) I've been reading since about mid-way through your pregnancy with Cecelia. Then I found myself totally reading back on your monthly posts from Truman when my little guy would become a month older. I don't even know how I came across your blog, but I've been a faithful reader ever since! A little about me: I'm a mommy to Clayton (14 months yesterday!) and due with Carly in February. Carly is our complete surprise baby since I was on the Mirena when I found out I was pregnant with her! I'm an Air Force wife and have been married to my husband for 2 years. We're stationed at Langley AFB in Virginia, where I teach middle school special education. I love me some Starbucks, but it's rarely in the budget! I do indulge in a peppermint mocha every once in a while though! Sorry for the novel!

  110. Hi, Julia -

    I hardly ever comment, but I'm a lurker I suppose you'd say . . . since a few months before Truman was born. I'm a single mom who adopted a baby girl from Guatemala when I realized I don't need to be married to be a mom. My daughter, Mayah, is now seven -- and like Truman and Cecelia are to you, Mayah is the love of my life. I live in the Twin Cities, so it's not too far from Milwaukee. I love reading your blog for several reasons: you offer great mom advice; you're SO funny and keep great perspective on things (which I find really encouraging as a single, working-full-time-outside-the-home mom); and you take great photos. I find myself saying "Oh, I heard about that from my friend Julia" a lot whenever I talk about my new camera or things related to taking good photos. As far as Starbucks, I'm not a coffee-loving girl. If I'm at Starbucks, I'd get a small (not sure what the right Starbucks word even is for a small size) hot chocolate with skim milk. And no whipped cream. :) I love the new look of your blog, and I wish you, Nate, Truman and Cecelia (oh, and Henry, too!) a very happy and warm Thanksgiving!

    Carrie in Minnesota

  111. Love the new blog design! Hmmm...I might need a redesign soon. Looks so fun!

  112. Love the new design. I've always wanted to pretty mine up but not in the budget, ever.

    I think I've been reading for a couple months. Forgot how I found you. It was a link.

    I want to know what kind of dog Henry is. He is adorable. As are the human kiddos.

    1. He is a cockapoo--mom is an English cocker spaniel and dad a standard poodle. We love him!

  113. Gorg! Love it. I bet it makes you feel all grown up and professional :) As I write this, I realized I NEVER comment on your blog anymore. That's rude. I still read all the time! Keep it up.

  114. Love love love the new look Julia! Super excited for you!

  115. I started lurking when I found out I was pregnant last February! Love reading your blog and hearing about your adventures from cloth diapering to the zoo!

  116. Hi Julia! I've been reading for a while (pre-Truman). I think we might have some friends in common here in MO. I'm blogging from STL, having Jeff City friends, went to Mizzou, etc. I'm a new mom to a handsome little boy and I love the new blog layout!

  117. I'll take this opportunity to tell you the random/possibly creepy way that I stumbled onto your blog! It was back in May and everyone was telling me that my baby bump was 'so huge'...even though my due date was not until October. So I did the most logical thing and google image searched '4 month baby bump' and your image popped up. Then it got really weird because I thought you looked familiar and after reading some of your blog I realized why-I graduated from SLU in '05 and was a gphi. I have followed you since and had my baby girl 5 weeks ago. Craaaaazy!

  118. I stumbled upon your blog when I googled 12 weeks pregnant blog (at the beginning of my pregnancy). I am due the day after Christmas with my second child and I've been reading your blog ever since.
    As for Starbucks, a grande green tea latte (half the sweetener) is my go-to :)
    West Chester PA

  119. Oooh, I love it! Well done, lady!

    I think your blogs is maybe one of the first I started following regularly and still try to check in when I can (and is definitely one I read before some of the other thousands piling up in my Google Reader).

  120. Love love love the new look!

    I'm Jenna of That Wife, not sure how we found each other? I have utilized so many of your posts, and referred people to you over and over. I'm glad you're not going to stop.

    I'm still not ready to start back up in earnest, but I was thinking about how this pregnancy isn't documented *at all*. I'm going to be really sad about that someday. Same with my second child's life if I don't keep blogging through that etierh.

  121. Hi Julia,
    I have been reading your awesome blog since all the cloth diapering posts for Truman.... Now I have a baby daughter around the same age as CC, so it is fun to follow along :-)
    I looooove me some Starbucks! Around the holidays the peppermint mocha is my fave! Thank you :-)

  122. The blog looks great! I found your blog through when I was planning my wedding. Wow! :)
    You are so funny and informative. I have a daughter who is 15 months old, so I can relate to you on so many levels!
    Also, soy chai tea is my favorite!

  123. I love the new look! Longtime reader but rarely if ever comment. I have been reading since just after you started I believe. You have adorable kids and I love the style of your house!

  124. Love the face lift! I finally stepped away from Flipbook/Google Reader to check it out. And, better yet, love the blog! We had contemplated cloth diapering but not knowing anything about it, quickly dismissed it. Then your cloth diapering post round 2 came along (with references to previous CD posts) and we're now on board for baby due in January and very excited! Thanks for all the information, it was a big help in our decision!

  125. Hi Julia,

    So, this is only my second time commenting. I stumbled upon your blog when I was expecting my first baby and you were expecting Truman. I really enjoy reading your blog and am so glad you decided to keep it up! I seriously relate to you on so many levels from being a Mom to breast feeding to working...

    And just so you know...I always get a grande non-fat latte at Starbucks. Kind of boring but it does the trick every time!: )

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  126. I found your blog through Laura's Day in the Life. I have a 3 year old and an 8 month old, so not too dissimilar. I love me a nonfat vanilla latte, decaf these days for the breastfeeding!

  127. Julia,

    I found your blog shortly after you had Truman.

    I'm a new mom to a little boy born at the end of June. My son also refused a bottle for nearly three months and lately has been resisting any nap longer than half an hour, so I can relate to many of your past and present trials.

    Love the new design!

  128. Wow! The blog looks amazing!! My sister told me about your blog when you were pregnant with Truman. I fell in love with your writing and creativity immediately and have been following you ever since. I don't comment as much as I should although I've loved reading and watching your family grow!

  129. Hi!
    I've actually never commented on a blog of any kind, ever! But, I found you through researching pumps (I went with-and love-Hygeia) and really enjoy your honesty and writing style. It was your honesty that prompted me to actually comment! My daughter was born 5/18/12, and refused a bottle for three months (and still shows her stubborn streak with bottles, about once a week with the nanny). I also appreciate that our jobs are similar - I'm a part-time (3 days/wk) itinerant psychologist who goes from client home to client home, pumping in the car between appointments. So I can really relate to your posts and am SO GLAD you are continuing. It means so much to hear that there are other sleep-deprived, working mamas out there who wouldn't trade it for anything. I read on my phone, but do love the new look! Happy Thanksgiving.

  130. I love it, Julia! Ive been meaning to do it forever but no time! LOL.Relate much?

    The last post too. Life sure has changed in the 5 years or so since planning our weddings. Life with these kids is such a blessing!

  131. Awesome job on your new blog design! I'm so glad you are documenting your life and seriously, I look forward to your posts. I think it's kind of inspiring me to do the same, as I am realizing how quickly the details disappear. Why can't time stand still sometimes. I'm jotting things down on the calendar, but think pics would make it so much better. I have a daughter who is just a couple of weeks younger than CeCe and amazed at how similar their facial expressions are sometimes and laugh when I find she is going through the same things as your daughter developmentally about a week or so later. Also, good for you, for giving yourself the treat of a new update to the blog, nothing like a new outfit (or blog design) to make a gal feel good and motivated again! Happy Thanksgiving!

  132. Ahhh I love your new layout! I can't believe I made your bloggy friend list cut. Made my day! XO :)

  133. Julia, Since our wedding day on STLWED and Browers Photography I've followed your blog. You have inspired me to do so many have children of my own. Before your blog days, I thought I didn't want any. Even though you have made me see the bad and good of it, it made me feel something...that I want a family of my own. Thank you! P.S. Your kids are beautiful, as are you and your husband! :)

  134. Love the new blog design! My desktop wallpaper right now is a similar arrow theme. :) I started reading your blog maybe...four years ago? It was one of the first ones I read actually, and I have no idea how I stumbled upon it. My standard Starbucks order is an Americano or a Soy Misto, but obviously I use my gold member free drink coupons to purchase the worst for me, most expensive drink possible.

  135. I love the new look! I stumbled upon your blog when you bought your house. I love houses and home decorating, so following your journey with buying, renovating, and decorating was fun to see! My go-to drink is usually a nonfat caramel frap.

  136. I'm usually a silent follower, but I just adore reading about your life Julia. It's this capturing a snapshot of someone's life that is really appealing about blogs (and I do appreciate that you aren't scared to tell us about the tough stuff as well as the good). Anyway, I'm in NZ so I'm not commenting for the starbucks card (*ahem* coffee snob alert!), but just wanted to say things are looking good here!

  137. Love the new look, Julia! I am going to have to check Stephanie out because I am in desperate need of an interweb facelift!

    Happy Thanksgiving to your beautiful family!

  138. I started reading your blog through Play in the City-Erin which was the first of my blog reading since I went to UWM & thought I wanted 2 start one...alas never did! I read yours & Kristal's religiously since B4 your kiddos as 2 of my favs. I even got both my sisters into reading your blog & believe my Mom is a dabbler as well! So I guess U could call me a veteran! I love your stories, your home remodels (u should totally do that as a side job I'd hire you), and the updates on the kiddos. I don't have any kids yet but hopefully soon! Right now I'm living in an adorb suburb right outside of Milw..,married, a homeowner & proud owner of our beloved Westie. Thx 4 the tips & tricks of the trade that have been useful & definitely will be down the road!

  139. Wow, there are so many comments! I have been in lurkdom for years now so I kind of feel like an asshole for commenting now that there's a giveaway. I found you way back before there were any kids around (not sure if that makes me creepy or dedicated). I think I found you through a bunch of wedding blog links. I was an undergrad daydreaming about how fun it would be to plan a wedding.

    My, have things changed. I now work in international development so if you see any Google Analysis thingies saying you have readers in rando Middle Eastern countries, it is probably just me, traveling for work and waiting for a meeting to begin :). I gave up the blog long ago and I admire your commitment to keep going with it. I just never had that mojo I guess.

    We actually DO have Starbucks here where I live. Developing countries (and the expats who live there) still want their coffee! It doesn't get very wintery in the Middle East tho so no red cups for us :(. I did manage to make myself a pumpkin spice latte this morning and I could not believe how fantastic it turned out! I need to stop doubting my kitchen skills so much.

    Now that we've broken the ice, maybe I'll comment more :)

  140. Short time reader. Found your blog from a link on That Wife Blog.

    Anyway, swear to god, I thought today "man I love Julia In Transition!" Reason: it was my 2nd day back to work after having my second child, and I used two time (and sanity) saving tips while pumping. (bigger bottles, and not washing the parts in between pumps. Omg! Loooooove these tips!

  141. I love your new design! I've been reading your blog for about 5 months now... I enjoy reading it so much because I have a son around Truman's age (born 5/11/10) and another son around Cecelia's age (5/6/12). A lot of the things you talk about I can relate with such as my 6 month old nurses all day long... and now he is being stubborn when it comes to solids... I really wish I made time to document details of my days! You are inspiring! Your kids are adorable!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  142. I've been reading since a week before my son was born. I found your blog while looking for birthing stories and have been reading ever since. My son was born May 30th and I like to see the similarities! I was totally envious of your breast milk stash. Very happy you're posting more frequently since I catch up on blogs while I nurse!

  143. I know I'm a little commenting but I like the re-design. Very fresh and clean looking. :)

  144. I know that the gift card time has run out, but I still wanted to stop by and say how much I love the new design. Totally surprised when I refreshed your page today. Yup that's right, you never made it into the black hole of my news-reader, but rather you stay open in one of 15 tabs all the time, how about that for honor!

    So glad you decided to keep blogging, and I need to get off my butt and start doing it more often again! Thanks for the motivation.

  145. Just in case you haven't heard, LOVE the new look!!! You did an awesome job.

    I know you said to post by Thanksgiving but I work in the medical field and have been working 15 hours a day for the last week and haven't had a chance till now. Why do hospitals have to be open on a holiday? Don't answer that.

    I've been reading your blog for a while. Before Tru, I think 2008? Your "ramblings' crack me up and on occasion I have commented but I must say it has been rare. You have always answered back though and I have been thankful for that.

    I was nervous when you cut back on post. I sure am glad you rediscovered your love for blogging. Its like picking up a good book and reading a story throughout the years.

    A bit about myself. I am a runner, work in the medical field and use to live in the upper peninsula of Michigan wjere it is soooo cold. I have run 3 marathons so far and hope to run another in the next year or so. I also love to take pictures and use to love to read your post about your camera/pictures. I am pregnant with my first child and loved following along your journey with Truman and now Cece.

    I have lots of questions that I always want to ask you like: how much money should I prepare/save for our first child? How much money does a child cost after he/she is born? etc. And for some reason I could actually believe you have a spreadsheet tucked away with this info in it. If you feel comfortable, I would love to hear.

    Even though I don't say much, I love to read about your journey.

    Thanks for 5 great years.

    Wishing you and your family lots of peace, and health.

    1. Ah, hospital jobs. I do not miss those long hours (although I never ever worked 15 in a row when I was in acute care--nuts!).

      I don't have a spreadsheet for cost of a baby but I did write a post while pregnant with Truman about cost breakdowns. Search my baby gear label at the bottom of this blog--it was called 'babies, money, the usual' or something like that.

      You could definitely predict some of the cost--like set daycare expenses if you go that route, and diapers. Everything else is negotiable, really, and hard to predict. I don't think I want to know what my kids actually cost us though--too scary, although they are worth it!

      Good to hear from you and congrats on the pregnancy!

  146. Hi Julia -

    I know its late to leave a comment but I wanted to reveal myself anyways. I have been reading your blog since last October when I found out I was pregnant. I love your blog and this is my relaxation at night :) You are so funny and give such good tips and I feel like I can relate to so many things you say and sometimes when I need some uplifting one of your posts just makes me think ok things are ok :) I have a 6.5 month old son (my first) and i totally used your breast feeding tips and pumping tips!! Thanks so much for keeping the entertainment going :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Sorry that commenting through Blogger can be a royal pain. I'm glad you are commenting despite that, and please email me if you are having issues.

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