
Kids Monthly Posts

Truman Anthony
7lbs 10oz | 21.5in | born at 38 weeks on 3.1.10

Birth Announcement: 3.1.10
Professional hospital photos: 3.4.10
Birth Story in Pictures: 3.4.10
Birth Story in Words: 3.5.10

One week: 3.8.10
Three weeks: 3.23.10
Four weeks: 3.29.10
One month: 4.1.10
Five weeks: 4.5.10
Six weeks: 4.12.10
Seven weeks: 4.19.10
Eight weeks: 4.26.10
Nine weeks: 5.3.10
Ten weeks: 5.12.10
Eleven weeks: 5.17.10

Three months: 6.2.10
Four months: 7.1.10
Five months: 8.1.10
Six months: 9.1.10
Seven months: 10.1.10
Eight months: 11.1.10
Nine months: 12.1.10
Ten months: 1.1.11
Eleven months: 2.1.11
Twelve months: 3.1.11
One year: 3.1.11

Thirteen months: 4.1.11
Fourteen months: 5.1.11
Fifteen months: 6.1.11
Sixteen months: 7.1.11
Seventeen months: 8.1.11
Eighteen months: 9.1.11
Nineteen months: 10.1.11
Twenty months: 11.1.11
Twenty-one months: 12.1.11
Twenty-two months: 1.1.12
Twenty-three months: 2.1.12
Twenty-four months: 3.1.12

2.5+ years: 10.13.12
3 years: 3.1.13
3.5 years: 9.1.13
4 years: 3.1.14
5 years: 3.1.15
Letter To My First Born: 5.7.14
6 years: 3.1.16

Cecelia Lorene
7lbs 5oz | 20.5in | born at 39w5d on 5.28.12
27 months younger than big brother 

Birth Announcement 5.28.12
Birth Story in Words: 6.4.12
Birth Story in Pictures/Birth Photography: 6.10.12
Newborn Photoshoot: 7.2.12

1 week: 6.4.12
2 weeks: 6.11.12
3 weeks: 6.18.12
one month: 6.28.12
5 weeks: 7.2.12
6 weeks: 7.10.12
7 weeks: 7.16.12
8 weeks: 7.24.12

two months: 7.28.12
three months: 8.28.12
four months: 9.28.12
five months: 10.28.12
six months: 11.28.12
seven months: 12.28.12
eight months: 1.28.13
nine months: 2.28.13
ten months: 3.28.13
eleven months: 4.28.13
One Year: 5.28.13

thirteen months: 6.28.13
fourteen months: 7.28.13
fifteen months: 8.28.13
sixteen months: 9.28.13
seventeen months: 10.28.13
eighteen months: 11.28.13
nineteen months: 12.28.13
twenty months: 1.28.14
twenty-one months: 2.28.14
twenty-two months: 3.28.14
Letter To My Daughter: 5.9.14
Two Years: 5.28.14
2.5 years: 11.28.14
Three years: 5.28.15

Porter Nelson
8lbs 9oz | 20.25"| born at 40w3d on 7.11.14
25.5 months younger than big sister

Birth Announcement: 7.11.14
Birth Story
Hospital Pictures

Day One
First Night at Home

One Week: 7.18.14
Two Weeks: 7.25.14
Three Weeks: 8.1.14
Four Weeks: 8.8.14
Five Weeks: 8.15.14
Six Weeks: 8.22.14
Eight Weeks: 9.4.14

Two Months: 9.11.14
Three Months: 10.11.14
Four Months: 11.11.14
Five Months: 12.11.14
Six Months: 1.11.15
Seven Months: 2.11.15
Eight Months: 3.11.15
Nine Months: 4.11.15
Ten Months: 5.11.15
Eleven Months: 6.11.15

One Year: 7.11.15
Thirteen Months: 8.11.15
Fourteen Months: 9.11.15
Fifteen Months: 10.11.15
Sixteen Months: 11.11.15
Eighteen Months: 1.11.16
Nineteen Months: 2.11.16
Twenty Months: 3.11.16


  1. Love the organization :)

    But you know you can create tabs now in blogger so you no longer have to publish a post. Found this info on one of my photography blogs about a year ago. After you click "New Post", it's the tab called "Edit Pages" :)

  2. random question...where did you get those boots you are wearing in your banner photo? struggling to find some cute brown boots!

  3. interesting, Andrea. I will think about that in the future! And Nicole--they are from Zappos, the name brand is Corso Como. I asked for them in black for Christmas this year, since the brown ones are so fab. :)

  4. I loved reading through your pregnancy posts via the Watch Me Grow tab during my own pregnancy and am now enjoying reading your kids monthly posts as I watch my own little guy grow, but wish you would add the rest of Cecelia's monthly posts to this page also. :D


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